Annual Review Circulatory Health 2020

Annual Review Circulatory Health 2020

Folkert Asselbergs uitklapper, klik om te openen

Chair Center for Circulatory Health

The year 2020 is a special year because of the corona pandemic. This year demands a lot from all of us: flexibility, perseverance, remote collaboration, uncertainty and adaptability. In this annual review, colleagues of the strategic theme Circulatory Health tell us how they experienced this year, from UMC Utrecht and the home workplace. They share what affected them most in the past year. Then they also look ahead to the new year. What can we learn and take with us in the new year?

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Irene van der Ploeg uitklapper, klik om te openen

Nursing specialist Center for Circulatory Health

I can say that I have had an exciting year. A wonderful start in January, with the birth of our second son. Having children I feel the urge to stay healthy and grow old with my family. Because in the hospital you see how others have to fight to become healthy, sometimes at a young age... 

Ingrid Meijer uitklapper, klik om te openen

Project coördinator

I like to have people around me and that was not possible in the past year. I notice that I don't like that. I especially miss real contact with people, for example with my parents, friends and colleagues. On average, I still work one day a week in the Van Geuns building... 

Jannick Dorresteijn uitklapper, klik om te openen

Internist - Specialist in Vascular Medicine & Quartermaster Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease

2020 is a year that I will remember for a long time. Not because of the pandemic, the lock-down or the hoarding of toilet paper, because you quickly forget about misery. I will remember 2020 above all as the year when, more than ever, we were a team with a common goal, in which everyone took a flexible position and in which efficiency has won over bureaucracy... 

Angela Vandersteen uitklapper, klik om te openen

Research Coördinator

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Robin Hartman uitklapper, klik om te openen

Postdoctoral researcher

The thing that touched me most in 2020 is the defense of my PhD dissertation and the entire day that encompassed it. During your PhD, you see the PhD defenses of so many other candidates, which were all performed (pre-COVID) in a packed Senaatszaal in the Academiegebouw... 

Marco Houterman uitklapper, klik om te openen

Program manager strategic theme Circulatory Health

This year was an intense year in which the coronavirus had a huge impact on society and the way we live and work together. I have a lot of respect for our colleagues who have worked almost continuously in the hospital to help us through this pandemic... 

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Alicia Uijl uitklapper, klik om te openen

Assistant Professor

Despite the strange year, I've noticed that people have been very resilient. Virtual offices, coffee moments and drinks have been set up. Much was done to keep each other involved and to maintain social contact with colleagues... 

Anna Zondag uitklapper, klik om te openen

Data Manager

Due to the corona crisis, I like many others, have been working from home for many months now. The social aspect associated with work suddenly disappeared; I miss the "good morning (s)" when you walk into the office, the conversations at the coffee machine and being able to walk in together just as quickly when you can't get out of something...  

Saskia de Jager uitklapper, klik om te openen

Associate professor

I have been working almost entirely from my home since mid-March. I always thought that a job from home must be the perfect job, I was mistaken. I really miss my colleagues!... 

Annemijn Algra uitklapper, klik om te openen

Resident and PhD Candidate in Neurology

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Looking back at 2020, the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, I can conclude that the year has brought not only a lot of misery, but also good things. I think of the words of Winston Churchill: 'Never waste a good crisis'... 

Christian Snijders Blok uitklapper, klik om te openen

Head technician

The question of what struck me the most in 2020 is of course an easy one to answer. We all know the difficult situation we were faced with this year. But I want to focus on the positive things I saw happening during this situation... 

Sander van der Laan uitklapper, klik om te openen

Assistant professor in Translational Cardiovascular Genomics

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Rick Dijkhuizen uitklapper, klik om te openen

Professor of Neuroimaging

It comes as no surprise when I say that 2020 was a special year. Dealing with a pandemic involves every corner of our society, our work and our lives...